Friday, October 10, 2008

3rd Week of School

This week was about recovering from the marathon and getting into a proper routine between schoolwork and sports.

Cheerleading is going really well. I can't believe how much I've missed it! My stunt group is shaping up to be one of, if not thee, best groups, which makes me really happy. It's really fun to be able to have a really rough day of classes all day and then get to cheerleading practice and forget all about it.

Tuesday night the Edinburgh University Boat Club had a Senior Women's Squad dinner at this really nice restaurant called Le Monde. This was really nice since none of us really knew each other. Something that is still dumbfounding me is that 1st and 2nd year university students can legally, opening drink here. I've always known that drinking age is 18 in the United Kingdom, but I guess I've never been so close to it before. Especially since my only reference point was university in the United States where freshmen and sophomores run around with fake ids and drink at house parties. Seeing 18 year olds drink glasses of wine at a nice dinner in a posh restaurant still baffles me.

Wednesday I went running for the first time after the marathon. Slightly awkward but not really that bad. I've never run this soon after a race before, but can see the benefits in it. I went around Aurthur's Seat, which actually is a great run too bad I did most of it in the dark...

Thursday saw my first tutorial (small group converstation with the professor.) In my case this happened to be the head of the archaeology department, yikes! It also means that you can't just faff your way through a 4 person discussion! Sort of intimidating considering who the professor was, but I survived and actually kinda enjoyed it!

Friday was a bit of a quite day since my Tuesdays-Thursdays are so full and busy that Friday is a recovery day! Granted we had a triathlon-esque (erg, bicycling, & treadmill) rowing workout this afternoon. Tomorrow I'm going along to the Head of the Forth Regatta in Stirling.

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