Thursday, July 10, 2008

The Countdown is On: T-2 Months and Counting!

It's finally starting to hit me that it's happening! I've been working towards this pretty much since I returned from the UK last time, over 2 years ago now! 2 months from right now I'll be on a jetplane not knowing when I'll be back again. Starting a new life in Edinburgh, Scotland. Yes, I'm scared, but the best things in life, the ones most worth while, are those that you're scared of. Life would be boring without such adventures. HUGE NEWS, my student visa arrived last week so I'm perfectly legal now and shouldn't get harassed at immigration yet again, see study abroad and BUNAC. As my time in the Land of 10,000 Lakes for the foreseeable future draws to a close I've realized a few things. I have an amazing family with whom I've very close and going to miss dearly. Making dreams come true takes sacrifices and my family is probably the biggest one. I really have to make my last 2 months here worth every minute! The other thing is that I really do love it here, especially Minneapolis which I've only begun to realized how amazing it is!

To Do List:
- Find a flat in Edinburgh
- Get work authorization
- Update resume/CV
- Find a job in Edinburgh (only part-time!)
- Sign over Power of Attorney to my mom
- Put Charlotte (my car) into storage at my grandparents farm
- Resign from 2 jobs here...